Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEIC: Essential words and phrases to help you maximize your TOEIC score
The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC®) is a multiple choice English language proficiency test which measures comprehension, speaking, writing and reading skills in an international environment. Scores indicate how well people can communicate in business, commerce and industry.
Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEIC is a must-have workbook for all non-native English speakers wishing to expand their language skills in preparation for the Test of English for International Communication.
Fully updated for this second edition, this workbook provides exercises to help teach and build vocabulary related to the TOEIC® examination and also covers grammar, use of English, comprehension and spelling.

This book has been written for anyone who is planning to take the TOEIC®, and who wants to practice and develop their vocabulary. A greater command of vocabulary is one of the key factors that will help you raise your TOEIC® score.
You should not go through the exercises in this book mechanically. It is better to choose areas that you are unfamiliar with, or areas that are of specific interest or importance to you.
Each exercise is accompanied by a full answer key at the back of the book. This key also gives you other information about particular vocabulary items (for example, words with similar meanings, alternative words and expressions, etc.) that are not covered in the exercises themselves.
When you are doing the tasks in this book, look at the instructions carefully to make sure you understand what to do, then read through the text / questions first before attempting the exercises. This is a useful ‘skimming’ technique that you should also use when you are doing the TOEIC® itself.
We recommend that you have a good dictionary with you, and refer to it when necessary. However, always try to do the exercises without a dictionary first, and then use a dictionary to check anything that you are not sure of.
It is very important to keep a record of new words and expressions that you learn, and review these on a regular basis so that they become a part of your ‘active’ vocabulary. Unless you are taking the TOEIC® Test of Spoken English, the TOEIC® is an exam which tests your language recognition skills rather than your language production skills. However, if you familiarize yourself with the vocabulary in the book by reviewing it and then trying to use it in your written and spoken English on a regular basis, you will be in a better position to recognize it if and when it comes up in the exam.
No vocabulary book can possibly contain all of the words and expressions that you are likely to come across in the TOEIC®, so it is important that you acquire new vocabulary from other sources. Try to read as much as possible from a different variety of authentic reading materials (books, newspapers, journals, magazines, etc.), and familiarize yourself with spoken English by listening to English-language radio stations and watching Englishlanguage movies and television programs whenever possible.
Try to get plenty of exam practice before you do the exam itself, so that you become familiar with the format. There are several books, courses and other publications that will help you. Barron’s How to prepare for the TOEIC® (ISBN 0 7641 7514 9), which contains lots of helpful advice as well as complete model tests, is particularly useful.