What is Building Information Modeling and How Does it Work?

What is BIM?

BIM term refers to Building Information Modelling. Basically, it represents the innovative and revolutionizing way of how buildings are constructed, designed, and after that maintained. In the further text, we will tell you all the necessary information you need to know about BIM, how it works and why does it matter for manufacturers. 

A digital revolution in the building industry

Img source: e-zigurat.com

In general, the trend of developing Building Information Modelling occurred ten years ago with first adopters. However, the transition to BIM was so fast that there are more than millions of active users all around the world that follow BIM technology. However, the main question is what embraces the BIM technology and made it so popular for people. 

Let’s go back to the past and see the progress of building designs from the early ages. Back in the 1900s, constructers were primarily designing buildings from hand-drawn plans. However, the new practice was invented thanks to the technology development. More precisely, hand-drawn plans were transformed into computer designs thanks to the tools. Therefore, computer devices became standard practice, 

In the 2000s, construction design gradually began to evolve from hand-drawn plans to computer-aided design (CAD). The computer became standard practice, which simplified the drawing management process and improved the overall visualization.

However, the problem that occurred in that period referred to the representation of drawings. In other words, drawings were only visual representations which made difficult the process of collaborating and sharing information about construction projects. Finally, we came to the BIM technology innovation that solves this problem and brought the whole construction industry into the new information age. 

What is BIM in construction?

Img source: pixabay.com

With BIM technology, engineers and architects have the opportunity to create 3D models of a complete building and its final appearance. However, it is very important to mention that BIM is not a tool for design or visualization. It represents a process that provides the creation of a shared data model. That model is enabled for all designers, constructions, managers, and even for the owners of some property. 

What makes BIM even more unique is the fact that it also contains all details related to the building such as life cycle, maintenance requirements, time planning, cost estimates, and sustainability. 

The value of BIM content

There are some elements that need to be included in order for BIM technology can work properly. Those elements refer to the building project and they need to be available in digital format. This term is also well-known as BIM content and it can be easily downloaded and used in software in order to generate the BIM model. 

Currently, there is a huge need for manufacturer-specific of BIM content which not only includes physical features of the products but also provides other essential details such as product information, energy consumption, installation instructions, eco-labels, operating costs, and product lifetime. 

For that reason, it is necessary to find a reliable BIM that will provide all the necessary information if you are in the building construction industry. If you are interested, you can check the offer that Building Information Modeling provides to its users.