LinguaForum TOEFL iBT Insider: Listening with 8 Audio CDs by
LinguaForum’s TOEFL iBT Insider: Listening is a guide that will help you get ready for the listening section of the New TOEFL iBT. The Insider: Listening provides detailed instructions and intensive practice questions for every question type on the iBT listening section along with high quality listening passages covering the full range of TOEFL listening topics. Guided note-taking practice and supplementary activities are also integrated into the listening passages to build active listening skills.
The book also includes 8 audio CDs to help students understand and score well in the listening section.

Catch The Concept: This section provides students basic knowledge about the areas usually occurs in the TOEFL exam as: Science humanities, social education, natural sciences …. This is part boot gently because students just listen to while doing homework on-demand, just to see the pictures illustrate lively.
Type questions: This is a presentation about the need to focus on all kinds of questions, help students catch the correct way to learn. This section also analyzed and presented the strategies necessary for each type of specific questions along with items from listening to the radio 100-150 and recommendations reply to the types of questions students just learning.
Exercise: This section provides the exercises long heard from 200-300 help students apply the guidance in the analysis and strategies and methods of note-taking in the Question Type to answer types of questions are specific Toefl mentioned in each chapter.
Contents (Table):
Listening Analysis
Why do not you listen?
The method of listening effectively
Unit 1: Campus Life 1
Unit 2: Campus Life 2
Unit 3: Wrap-up
Unit 4: Hurmanities
Unit 5: Technology
Unit 6: Business
Unit 7: Wrap-up
Unit 8: Soial Science
Unit 9: Natural Science
Unit 10: Education
Unit 11: Wrap-up
Actual Test
Script & Answer Key
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