Winters is the time when the need for firewood is at its peak. Be it for keeping the house warm or satisfying the cravings of having a wood fire pizza on a chilly night, firewoods are necessary.
As easy as it seems, preparing firewood for the desired outcome is quite a task. It requires time, effort, and energy to prepare the same. It does not take days to get the right piece of firewood but months and sometimes, a whole year. It might take two years for the wood to dry before using it. One can only do to escape this struggle is to look for the firewood delivery near me. It is a good option but, it is better to run some tests to be sure about the dryness of the firewood.
Best time To Cut And Store Wood

Looking for dry firewood can be a wholesome task, but the best way is to do some work in the right season. The best tip is to look for firewood in the shedding winter and early spring season. It is the best time to cut ideal wood logs and store them for the following year. The logs get enough time to dry themselves and prepare for the upcoming winters in the following year.
Many people use these wood logs as a source to keep their homes warm. The purpose of using firewood is different. So, people usually have two options. They can borrow or buy firewood logs from other people or begin preparing the wood to work ideally when it’s the right time.
But, while going for any of the options, one thing that people tend to miss out on is preparing the firewood correctly. It is necessary to solve the purpose by keeping everyone around them warm and safe.
Disadvantages of Using Green Wood

Beware of using green wood for the same purposes. It is not good. The reasons behind it are as follows:
• Using green or wet wood is disadvantageous for the kitchen utensils as they will also heat up. Burning the utensils can further hamper their quality and longevity.
• If anyone uses damp wood, the stove will not function as expected. When the stove heats the wood log, the stove will create more ash and pollutants. Also, there will be more smoke. It will create issues for the environment, the people using it, and their neighborhood.
• Such type of wood is prone to getting creosote as time passes. It tends to cause breathing issues. Also, people with asthma don’t have a good time around these woods.
Tests To Check If The FireWood Wet or Dry

These are some tests that anyone can take to check whether the firewood is wet or dry.
1. In the Dish-washer
The first test that anyone can try to check the dampness or dryness of a wood log is using a dishwashing liquid. Take some drops and apply the same at the end of the log. Blow some air and check if there are any bubbles or foam. Foam or bubble formation ensures that the firewood is dry. Dry wood allows air to pass through from one end to another.
2. Sound Check
Try rubbing these wood logs against each other and notice the kind of sound that they create. If the wood is dry, there will be a resonating sound. But, if wet woods are rubbed against each other, they will either bow down or create a very gentle or no sound. Humidity creates such a sound in wet logs. It is a good test and then sees whether the firewood should be bought or not.
3. Visual Screening

The users should check for the logs visually and notice some features. Here are some things that will help anyone identify dry wood from others:
• They are odorless.
• The ends of these woods are cracked towards the end.
• No molds or fungi grow over such types of firewood.
• They are complex and clean.
• They have a light brown color, and the loose bark is visible to be removed easily.
4. Burning and Moisture
Cut a little piece out of the firewood and try to burn it with fire. If the firewood is wet, it will not burn efficiently. It is easier for a block of dry wood to catch fire within minutes. Also, wet smoke generates a lot of smoke while catching fire, but the case is the opposite for dry wood pieces.
Also, the dryness or wetness of firewood can be determined through a moisture meter. Measuring the wood’s moisture from its heart can help decide the degree of dryness or wetness. Anything beyond 20% humidity is not recommended.
5. Cutting Test

When firewood gets dry, it becomes complicated. So, the cutter faces difficulty in chopping or splitting it into pieces. However, if the person cutting the wood uses an ax that can easily cut the wood piece, they will be happy about it. But, this does not mean that the wood is dry. It is wet, and if the person still goes on with using it, it will create different problems.
Other Ways Of Testing

Apart from these tests, there are some other aspects to check for the dryness of firewood. They are as follows:
• Dry firewood has a lighter weight as it is not moist.
• Dry wood is weal and has a loose bark.
• Dry firewoods usually have a lot of bare spots on the bark. Anyone who wants to light the firewood will not have a problem.
• The appearance of dry woods is not appealing. However, the dry firewoods have a lighter color that fades as time passes.
• If a dry wood falls from any particular height, a thud sound occurs, which can never be possible for wet or green firewoods.
Keeping the firewood ready with various do’s and don’ts is a time-consuming process yet an easy one. Just keep some points in the head like the storage condition of firewood, the moisture content, and other things. Using dry firewood will ensure that the house will be warm and no harm to society, individuals, or the environment.