Get ready for IELTS is a set of books not to be missed when starting to practice IELTS for yourself. So what is special about this series? Find out through the article below!
Currently, on the market there are many sets of IELTS exam preparation books for beginners with different prices and quality. If you are wondering what materials to use to start your IELTS self-study, choose high quality and well-known IELTS books. And Get Ready For IELTS will be the perfect choice for you.
Let’s explore this book with Wiki Study English below!
1. General introduction about Get ready for IELTS
Published by Collins English for Exams, a well-known publisher of good English books, Get ready for IELTS is one of the must-have IELTS books for beginners to learn English for themselves. However, it is not suitable for those who lost their root. Because the book has not been Vietnameseized, it is still written in 100% English. Therefore, if you do not know English, you will not be able to use this book
Get ready for IELTS consists of 4 books corresponding to 4 IELTS tests: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. To know the content of each book, do not skip part 2

2. Detailed Review of the four books Get ready for IELTS
2.1. Get Ready for IELTS – Reading
2.1.1. Content of the book
- The book is divided into 12 lessons corresponding to each topic that often appears in the IELTS test
- You can revise the knowledge you just learned by doing the review that is integrated into the back of 3 units
- In addition, at the end of the book, there will be a test to help you familiarize yourself with the IELTS test structure
- There are answers and explanations at the end of the book.
2.1.2 Structure each lesson
Each lesson is divided into 3 parts
– Part 1: The author will give exercises and vocabulary related to the grammar section in each lesson
– Part 2: You will be given the system author and consolidate all the familiar exercises in the IELTS Reading test as well as the practice skills in Part 2
– Part 3: Self-help exercises help you revise the knowledge you just learned better
– And the last part is the core knowledge in each lesson
2.2. Get ready for IELTS – Listening
2.2.1. Content of the book
- The book includes 12 topics that are common topics in the IELTS exam such as Food and Cooking, shopping, …
- The sections of the IETLS exam are explained by the author through each lesson
- In each lesson, the author will give you some tips to help you optimize the time you take to study and improve your listening skills
2.2.2 Structure each lesson
The structure of each topic will consist of 3 main parts:
– Part 1: Include exercises on issues around that topic such as main grammar, related vocabulary, and vocabulary.
– Part 2: You will get access to each type of question that will be in the test through examples and detailed instructions of the author on how to answer those questions. Tips are also incorporated into each lesson to help you optimize your study time and improve your listening skills
– Part 3: Is the test for task 1 or task 2 close to the actual exam structure This will help you accurately assess your score after using the book
– And at the end of each section is a summary of the key content of the paper
2.3. Get ready for IELTS – Writing
2.3.1. Content of the book
- Like the two Reading and Listen books, Get ready for IELTS – Writing is also divided into 12 topics focusing on familiar topics in the IELTS exam such as Tourism, Films, …
- The author has integrated the review after 3 lessons to help readers easily practice the content they have just learned
- There is a test with a structure close to the actual exam questions at the end of the book
- There are answers and explanations at the end of the book.
2.3.2 Structure each lesson
- The book is divided into sections including Exam tip, Watch out, Exam information, …
- These sections will help you remember effectively what you have learned in the lesson
- The review will help you check and review the knowledge learned in each unit
2.4. Get ready for IELTS – Speaking
2.4.1. Content of the book
- The content of Get ready for IELTS – Speaking still revolves around 12 familiar topics in the IELTS test such as Family, Freetime, Hometown.
- You will be asked by the author to suggest open-ended answer options and sample answers to practice questions in Part 3 of each lesson.
2.4.2 Structure each lesson
For each unit, there will be composed of 3 cells including:
– Part 1: Knowledge of vocabulary, grammar … help get good marks on the speaking test
– Part 2: Skills, good answers in the speaking test
– Part 3: Practice and consolidate the knowledge learned smoothly through the test
Download Full Set “Get Ready for IELTS”
3. Advantages and disadvantages of the Get Ready For IELTS series
a. Pros
- The book is compiled with content linking, logic between parts, clearly presented to help learners easily learn at home
- Provide learners with a huge volume of vocabulary
- Common mistakes in the test are explained by the author
- Provide good tips to optimize the time taken to study as well as improve the skills of students in the use of books
- The summary of the main content of each lesson helps you remember important knowledge more easily
b. Cons
- New topics, exam trends today are not mentioned much in the book
- Those who want to learn advanced should not use this book because it only provides learners with basic knowledge.
- The Speaking and Writing section only covers what you need to learn. Therefore, mistakes made during practice will not be clearly indicated
- Only suitable for a band score of 3.0 – 4.0 IELTS
4. Good tips when using the book Get Ready For IELTS
- Following the advice of many people after using the book, to learn Get Ready For IELTS effectively, you need to spend 2-3 hours to learn by yourself!
- Make a habit of guessing the meaning of a word based on the context before you look up the dictionary
- Read the author’s instructions carefully before doing the assignment
- It is recommended to repeat each topic 2 to 3 times to better memorize
- To avoid boring learning, you can change the order of books. For example, studying Writing then Speaking, …
- After completing Get Ready For IELTS, you can continue to Basic IELTS to improve your band score
Hopefully this article has more information about the Get Ready For IELTS series. Do not forget to share this article with your friends around so everyone has access to a very useful set of documents during IELTS preparation! All your questions about the IELTS test and documents are updated daily at the website. Please contact Wiki Study English anytime when you need a reliable address to accompany you in the process of preparation and IELTS exam!