TOEIC Listening (Listening comprehension) is a very important part of the TOEIC test. For this section, which document should you study? In today’s post, I will introduce all of the best TOEIC listening materials to you.
Before reading this article, you need to understand the structure and method of studying TOEIC Listening.
There are many TOEIC exam preparation books for every level. To find a few TOEIC Listening exam books with easy to understand instructions, the exercises given closely to the exam are not easy at all.
Right now, she will evaluate the contents of each book in detail so that you can choose for yourself the most suitable book!
#1. Tomato Toeic compact part 1 & 2 and Tomato Toeic compact part 3 & 4
► Review book
If you carefully study the TOEIC test, you will know from part 1 – part 4 to test listening comprehension skills. So the first book she wants to recommend to you is Tomato Toeic compact part 1 & 2 and Tomato Toeic compact part 3 & 4.

This is a very basic TOEIC document that will help you find specific details about the TOEIC Listening test.
- Tomato Toeic compact part 1 & 2: revolves around topics such as shopping restaurants, transportation, workplaces, free time. The book will provide you with knowledge, test-taking experience and tips on avoiding traps in TOEIC Listening part 1, part 2 most effectively.
- Tomato Toeic compact part 3 & 4: used to review TOEIC Listening part 3, part 4. You will practice knowledge in books and tests of the last two parts with more extensive knowledge than Tomato Toeic compact part 1 & 2.
These 2 books are suitable for you with a level of 350 Toeic or above!
► Link to download books
➥ Link download Tomato TOEIC compact part 1 & 2: Click here
➥ Link download Tomato TOEIC compact part 3 & 4: Click here
#2. Tomato TOEIC Compact Listening
► Review book
In addition to the above two books, you should refer to Tomato TOEIC Compact Listening.

With 5 TOEIC listening exam papers close to the real exam questions, the book will help you consolidate the knowledge you have learned and practice with the real exam questions to assess your level and skills of doing the test.
At the end of the book there are Scripts & Answers for you to compare the results you have done. In addition, you will receive advice and experience to practice listening effectively.
➥ Link download Tomato TOEIC Compact Listening: HERE
# 3. Jim’s TOEIC 1000 Listening Comprehension
► Review book
Next is another TOEIC book that I also love that is Jim’s TOEIC 1000 Listening Comprehension including 10 TOEIC exam with real TOEIC test on vocabulary, grammar and exam format.

Using this book review will give you the opportunity to become familiar with and practice your knowledge before taking the TOEIC exam. This is a relatively difficult book, so it is only suitable for you to prepare for the TOEIC test with a score of 700 or above.
➥ Link download Jim’s TOEIC 1000 Listening Comprehension:
# 4. New Real Longman TOEIC – Actual Tests For Listening Comprehension
► Review book
New Real Longman TOEIC – Actual Tests For Listening Comprehension is a detailed book on the TOEIC listening test.

This book contains 8 full tests on TOEIC Listening to practice listening skills of students before taking the actual TOEIC test.
You are preparing TOEIC test target of 750 – 990 absolutely do not skip this book and should focus on the trap part of TOEIC Listening.
➥ Link download New Real Longman TOEIC – Actual Tests For Listening Comprehension: HERE
# 5. Economy TOEIC LC 1000 volume 1 2 3 4 5
► Review book
Economy TOEIC LC 1000 volume 1 2 3 4 5 TOEIC study materials are too classic, are you? The book helps you orient the TOEIC exam the best way according to the TOEIC test module today.
By this time the book has published 5 volumes in all. Each set of 10 Economy exam, helps you practice TOEIC knowledge before entering the actual TOEIC exam.
➥ Link download Full Economy TOEIC Vol 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: HERE
# 6. Hacker TOEIC Listening
► Review book
This book was designed and compiled by David Cho. With the logical content and sticking with the exam, Hacker TOEIC Listening is for all levels from beginner to advanced.
> Read the guide to this book in the article: Hackers TOEIC Complete Listening & Reading (Full Download PDF + Audio)

With the criterion that besides the knowledge of the language, the book also gives me practical ways and experiences to take the exam, so the book is divided into 4 parts corresponding to the 4 parts of the exam. Part 1,2,3,4: Testing Points, Test-Taking strategie, Basic points for test taking, Achie Your Goal, Power test.
► Link to download books
You can find this book on Tiki or download the PDF + Audio file below:
➥ Link to download Hackers TOEIC Listening: HERE
# 7. ETS TOEIC 2024 – Listening
► Review book
The ETS package is certainly not new to those who take the TOEIC exam. This is a resource that provides you with the best quality TOEIC test sets, the closest to the real exam questions.
>> Read more Study guide ETS TOEIC Test update 2024 to get absolute TOEIC Listening score.
With this book, you will be able to work closely with the test to assess proficiency and practice your test skills effectively before taking the real exam.
► Link to download books
I have collected PDF + Audio files of the book with detailed prizes, you can download below:
➥ Link to download ETS TOEIC 2024 Listening Books: HERE